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4 Tips on How to Run a Tinder Background Check
You might like using dating apps but when you remember stories like ‘Dirty John’ and ‘Tinder Swindler’, you tremble and that has you in a chokehold. To avoid these types of situations, Tinder started a partnership with Garbo, an online safety platform. This partnership aims to detect and stop gender-based violence and does not run…
11 smart ways to find out if your spouse is on dating sites
Because a lot of people have had a dating profile at least once in their lives, it makes us wonder if our partners are indulging in a bit of Tinder-ing as well. We can find out by using Tinder itself (making an account) and third-party apps like SwindlerBuster…but what else is out there? Here are…
12 signs he is still sleeping with his wife — Will he leave her for you?
Dating a freshly-divorced or soon-to-be-divorced man is bound to fill you with doubt—is he still into his wife? Is their sex life still going? Well, it’s not too uncommon for ex-partners to rekindle their relationship, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to be careful. For instance, if the man you’re in love with keeps postponing…
20 secretive signs he’s texting another woman! – What to do about it?
There’s nothing quite as heartbreaking in a relationship as doubting a partner’s loyalty. We usually get a gut feeling, and the sad thing is, that feeling is often right. However, if you suspect your man might be talking to another woman, just look at how much attention he’s giving her. 1. He’s always on his…
13 crucial signs a guy has a girlfriend even though he’s hitting on you.
If you’re into this guy but want to make sure he’s available and not a Casanova, I am here to help! Men who are in relationships are inclined to behave in a more quirky way than single men do, so you can learn the truth based on several signs. Today I will help you discredit…
What cheaters do and say to hide their affairs — Their favorite scapegoats!
What we notice about cheaters with time is that they use everything in their arsenal to conceal their affairs—mainly manipulation. However, if we listen very closely, we can distinguish a pattern… That pattern might be gaslighting you into doubting your facts or downplaying their affair to make it seem as if you are overreacting! –…
I tested the best 7 ways to find someone with only a picture for free, The verdict!
Using only a picture is, by far, one of the easiest and quickest ways to find someone: this can be done with the help of Search Engines and Reverse Image Search services. The benefits are plenty! Reverse image searching stops catfishing (and its damage) as well…the purpose is up to you. I will be demonstrating…
How true is “Once a cheater, always a cheater”? Studies weigh in!
We all remember the messy drama between Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson…he cheated on her 3 times (that we know of) despite the star’s attempt to forgive him. “Once a cheater, always a cheater”—we have all heard the saying, but is there any smidge of truth to it? Yes, there is… – A larger number…
Is sexting someone while in a relationship cheating?
Sexting has become a bit of an enigma to many of us, and a form of infidelity to many. “Sexting” itself isn’t the enigma here—it’s the question: “Is sexting cheating?” that raises some eyebrows. The question is a bit complicated as it can’t be answered with a simple yes or no; if you’re in a…
There are 13 significant signs your partner will cheat again.
It is believed a cheater will cheat for a second time if they repeat the same pattern as they did back then. If you’re confident that you’re dealing with a compulsive cheater, it’s worth knowing what to look out for and what not. Well, for starters, studies’ have solved the “Once a cheater, always a…