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Is exposing a cheater the way to go?
If you want to expose a cheater, you don’t need an aggressive approach. You should rather get proof and confront them in private.
So, make sure you have screenshots of their conversations, a witness, photos, documents, or anything that will help you to prove your point.
Here are 9 simple and effective ways to expose a cheater and reach good outcomes:
1. Gather evidence by tracking their activities for a while.
Try to track their activities for a while and check if they are behaving strangely than before.
Check where they go and who they’re hanging out with more. Take it slow and one day at a time! You don’t need to do anything too crazy.
- For example, if you share the same bank account then you can get more informed by checking their receipts and expenses.
Or if you have a joint car (you both have ownership of), you can plant a GPS device to track his location.
2. Use the SwindlerBuster tool to expose a cheater online.

Using Swindler Buster can be quite helpful when it comes to exposing a cheater online.
You don’t have to share with the world the results that you get.
- All you need to do is use their name, phone number, or selfie on SwindlerBuster to find their Tinder profile.
You can check if their account is still active by creating a fake Tinder account and checking if they have updated their profile.
3. Create a burner email or social media account.
If you don’t have enough evidence and they’re very careful with their actions and their phone, this will be a good way to expose them.
Usually, a cheater who is used to cheating constantly will flirt with many people and one way to expose them is by flirting with them back.
So, you can set up a good profile on Instagram or any other app that they use mostly and try to flirt with them!
- Try to avoid Snapchat because they might ask you to take photos at that moment and the lie can wear off easily.
4. Contact the other party and check if they’re down to cooperate.
Another easy and safe way to expose a cheater is by asking the help of the person they cheated you on.
It’s just as possible they didn’t know they too were getting played!
Before taking this action try to gather evidence and check what type of person they are because they might end up hurting you.
Some people don’t care if they’re dating a cheater and might do anything that comes to their hands to make you look bad.
5. You can send them anonymous letters and check their reaction.
If you want to expose a cheater anonymously then you need to have certain evidence they can’t deny.
Otherwise, you will create some space for them to lie or gaslight you or the person they cheated on.
I recommend you gather evidence like their browser history, photos of their social media, their follower list or conversations, and anything that would help.
Also, if you have photos of them together then that would be more helpful.
- Write an anonymous letter and let them know that if they won’t be upfront with their partner or significant other then you’ll let the cat out of the bag.
6. Become a part of Facebook groups such as “Are We Dating the Same Person?”
These last couple of years Facebook Groups such as “Are we dating the same person” or “Are we dating the same guy” have been very helpful to expose a cheater.
It’s easier to confront a cheater when you have specific proof. Now, all you need to do is post a picture of them in either one of these groups:
If other people in the same area are dating them, they will let you know. These groups are private and their content is exclusive to members.
7. You can hire a private investigator or detective.
It’s better when you seek the help of a professional because they will let you know what to do and how to expose a cheater.
They will help you find the lead and then make sure whether your partner, husband, or wife is cheating on you.
You can check out these services that will help you define your situation:
8. Take a screenshot of his browsing history.

Browsing their history and Autofill Passwords is another way to expose a cheater.
1. All you need to do is open their laptop or the one that you both use.
2. Go to the three dots that are located on the upper and right side of Google Chrome.
3. Go to Google Passwords Manager.
4. Then, click on Autofill Passwords and check all the sites and passwords they have used.
Just know that if you take screenshots of these, they might accuse you that you were invading their privacy.
9. Ask for the help of a counselor to expose a cheater.
Couple therapy is another way to expose a cheater. Yes, this might seem like an unusual way to do it but it works.
The counselor will show you the right techniques; besides, it’s better to have a guide to know which buttons to push so they can talk.
- They will ask your partner specific questions that will trigger them to give unwilling answers.
Here is an example of a couple who found out that they were cheating one another but none spoke about it and tried to fix it their way.
They tried to fix the situation by getting revenge and continuing to simultaneously cheat on one another.
What should you know before exposing a cheater?

Before exposing a cheater either anonymously or online, you need to know that they will be a step ahead.
– A cheater, no matter what, even if they’re caught red-handed, will deny it.
They might overreact or gaslight you so it will be easier for them to manipulate your thoughts and emotions.
In this case, they will try to convince you that you’re looking at things or at the situation from the wrong point of view.
– Don’t confront them publicly.
I know you probably want to shame them in front of everyone, but doing so publicly will make things all the messier.
This goes for doing it on his social media profiles and while outside.
You don’t want people all up in your business while recovering from this heartbreak. Plus, this kind of pressure will make the cheater give you a hard time.
– Define your aim. Ask yourself why you’re doing this.
I’m not implying that you need to let all of this go without taking any action, but I recommend you think of the consequences as well
For instance, exposing the partner you’ve been dating for a month or two is understandable, but is it the right choice?
- Dating nowadays has become very complex. At this stage, a cheater might think that they don’t have any responsibility towards you, especially if you weren’t dating officially.
Do you want revenge? Reconciliation? Attention?
– Don’t expose a cheater by leaking screenshots online.
This might help you to feel good at the moment but then other people will jump into this mess and the situation might turn around.
When their friends, family, or other people see those conversations then they might create their own version.
Trust me…they will make YOU the villain.
Is it worth exposing a cheater? What should I do?
Deciding whether it’s a good idea or worth exposing a cheater depends on you and the outcomes that these actions bring.
You should take a step back and analyze the situation. Check whether confronting them would benefit you or not.
– If you’re dealing with an abusive partner it’s better to cut contact with them and deal with them legally.
As soon as you get the evidence then you’ll need to hire a lawyer to deal with them.
- The dating coach Bela Gandhi suggests that you shouldn’t jump immediately into exposing or romanticizing the version of the person you first met.
Wrapping it up: How can I expose a cheater?
To expose a cheater involves gathering enough evidence to prove your point, however…
The most important thing is to remain calm and be direct.
Try to ask help from professional therapists, and counselors and even ask for legal advice from a lawyer.
This is a hard process to go through, so I recommend you take small steps because the progress is bigger that way.
All the best!
2 responses to “Is exposing a cheater the way to go?”
I cheated on someone with a married woman
Damn Rob. You’re out here wreaking havoc. I hope you confessed, & asked for forgiveness & stopped the madness.