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The general behavior of a man who’s cheating on his phone.
If your husband is cheating on his phone, know that he won’t be able to hide it forever!
But view that as a blessing in disguise. Even though ignorance is bliss, wouldn’t it be better to know upfront which people in your life don’t deserve your time?
If you suspect your partner is cheating on his phone, look no further than his behavior, which should be quite secretive.
To be more exact, these are the clues that you need to keep watch on:
1. All he does the whole day is text other people!

He practically spends more time with his phone than you—and judging by his cheery attitude, he seems to love it.
Of course, it’s not his phone that has him feeling this way, but it’s the people he’s talking to!
2. Whenever he’s unable to tend to his phone, he hides it from you.
He either takes his phone wherever he goes or hides it when he’s not able to keep tabs on you.
For example, when he decides it’s time to catch some Z’s, he stuffs his phone under his pillow or hides it somewhere else.
This way, he prevents letting you look at his phone—intentionally or not.
3. His phone is always so silent.
Not even one peep comes out of it, meaning that he has:
- Put his phone on silent, or;
- Turned off all notifications.
Maybe both simultaneously!
4. Your picture used to be his wallpaper but not anymore.

Though his changing his phone wallpaper doesn’t necessarily mean he’s cheating on you, it’s definitely something to think about.
I’m sure he’d feel guilty looking at your picture whenever he got done messing around with people online, so that’s why he would want to change it.
5. Others wouldn’t have guessed he’s in a relationship.
He hasn’t mentioned you in his social media accounts at all, so some people don’t even know he’s in a relationship.
This gives him the opportunity to talk to other people without having to worry about being found out.
6. He has a new, much more complicated phone password.
Before, you knew his password or he didn’t even have one! Nowadays not only has he changed his password, but he’s put a complicated one.
When a partner suddenly stops wanting you to know their password, it usually means that they’re hiding something!
7. You can’t tell when he’s online and when he posts.
He has turned off his activity status so that you don’t see how often he’s online
As for his posts, it’s possible he has limited your interaction with him on social media in some way!
For example, on Instagram, you can restrict certain followers in different ways, such as hiding your stories from them.
8. His replies are delayed.
If your man has been cheating on his phone (and if he’s careless with it), he most likely stopped replying to your texts in a timely manner and texting first.
Delayed replies are a run-of-the-mill sign of cheating due to how much attention cheaters give to their side partners.
9. He usually disappears in the middle of your conversation!

It’s very annoying for a person to suddenly disappear in the middle of a conversation, and if that person is our partner, that annoyance factor is cranked to the max.
But if it happens too frequently, it could be a sign that they’re texting other people.
10. Whenever you two talk, he sounds extremely unenthusiastic.
Unenthusiastic, uninterested, or distracted—they all work.
If a person is cheating online or in person, their attitude will entirely change, so be on guard!
11. For some reason, he always clears his conversations.
It’s very odd for someone to repeatedly delete their messages—it’s just not a necessity or priority for people.
On the contrary, if they’re cheating and their texts could be used as proof, they’d want to destroy the evidence!
12. You have caught a glimpse of his phone gallery, and it’s filled with another woman’s pictures.
If your s.o. has pictures of another woman in his gallery, then I’m sure you know what that means—if you’re not too sure, I’m here to confirm it.
He’s cheating with her.
13. He switches between two phones.

I can say with full confidence that most of the time, nothing good comes out of a person you’re involved with having two phones.
I don’t know if it’s a universal thing, but they usually turn out to be cheaters.
14. He rushes to exit his social media apps or turn off his screen when you get close.
He’s quick, so you have to be quick too.
See if he quickly stops what he is doing on his phone before turning his screen off whenever you get near him.
15. Cheaters get texts and calls from people with unfamiliar names.
When a cheater saves his lover’s phone number, it’s probably going to be something like:
- A single letter/symbol;
- Emojis;
- A man’s name;
- A “relative” title, etc.
For instance, if your man is getting a call from someone named “Dean” but you know for sure that none of his friends go by that name, then that person could be his other woman.
16. He avoids getting on his phone when he’s with you.
He doesn’t take calls in front of you, reply to text messages in front of you, or even get on his phone.
No matter how much people are blowing up his phone, he still insists there’s no need to worry as that’s his “friend” contacting him—or any other excuse.
17. He likes, flirts, and comments on women’s posts on social media.
And if you don’t consider that alone cheating, he’s probably tried DM-ing them too at some point.
It’s very displeasing knowing that a person we’re romantically involved with behaves this way with other people, but we need to take it as a sign.
18. He flips out whenever you call him out on his behavior.

You probably wanted to know why he interacts with online strangers, why he never talks to you anymore, or why he’s very strange around his phone.
These are all valid questions, by the way.
But if he’s actually cheating, he will:
- Get aggressive;
- Try to gaslight you and make it seem as if you’re overreacting;
- Lie and say he’s talking to his friends or relatives;
- Blush, fidget, or act in other ways that indicate he’s guilty;
- Break down and blame you for his actions.
– What is an example of text cheating? Is texting another person even considered cheating?
Yes, it is! If your partner texting another person makes you feel disrespected, that is considered cheating.
Examples of text-cheating include:
- Sexting another person;
- Flirting with them;
- Failing to mention that you’re in a relationship;
- Getting emotionally too close to a person other than your partner;
- Giving someone too much attention.
There are different opinions regarding “cyber-cheating”—some seem to think that it’s not even considered cheating, whereas some think it very much is.
Personally, I think that inappropriately texting a third person fits all the cheating requirements.
– How can you catch your man cheating on his phone?
You can expose his affair in a couple of ways:
1. Put his name on SwindlerBuster.
Do you suspect he’s cheating on Tinder? You can find his Tinder account with the help of SwindlerBuster.
You can do this in 3 ways:
1. Picking the Name option and writing down your partner’s name;
2. Finding his Tinder profile by phone number, through the Phone option.
3. Taking his selfies and running them through SwindlerBuster’s Face search tool.
You’ll get your results in no time, and they’ll tell you if he needs to get the boot or not!
2. Check his phone for cheating.
I’m sure you know just how wrong this is, so proceed with caution.
To see if he’s cheating on his phone (by swiping on dating apps, texting others, and so on), the best solution is snooping on his phone.
Check his social media apps, messages, and gallery for any clues.
3. Hit him up from a faux profile.
To check if he’s simply a cheater, make a new social media account from which you’ll flirt with him.
Just make sure to sell your story—don’t be an overbearing flirt or use your own images as he’ll know something is up.
Good luck!
One response to “The general behavior of a man who’s cheating on his phone.”
Need help my husband is cheating with someone over 15 years before we married with the same girl. it’s all on his cell phone but he keeps his phone by him all the time how can I get his messages