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Why is he still online dating despite claiming he likes you?
You’re talking to this nice guy who’s made it clear he’s interested in you; he seems to be perfect, but there’s only one problem.
You know for a fact that he’s still online dating despite having a thing for you—why’s that, though?
Turns out he might have lied about his feelings and intentions, but other reasons stand as well:
1. He only claims to have feelings for you but doesn’t actually.

I know that this is probably not what you want to hear right now, but if he’s still active on dating sites, we need to consider the possibility.
The majority of people on dating sites use them to date, meaning that if your guy is still using them, there’s a good chance he’s online cheating.
This disrespect would never come from a person who likes you.
2. Or he’s simply not serious yet.
When it comes to online dating, he’s not serious enough to stop it—this is usually what happens when people just start talking to each other.
- He probably doesn’t see the point in dropping everything for someone he just met; he wants to wait a bit.
Or maybe he’s a player; he’ll most likely never stop online dating and other unfaithful behavior, no matter how uncomfortable you feel.
3. Similarly, he thinks you aren’t serious.
Person A thinks Person B isn’t serious and Person B thinks the same about Person A: this makes them both lose the will to stop online dating.
He can be thinking that you aren’t all that serious yourself, in which case he’s thinking, “Why should I quit dating sites?”
Ask yourself, “Am I behaving in a way that makes the other person think they don’t matter to me?”.
4. If he’s still on dating apps after months, he’s unsure how he feels about you.
He has yet to figure out what exactly it is that he’s feeling about you—is it love, or something else?
Indecisiveness can be playing a part here; he’s going back and forth trying to make sure that he wants to commit.
5. A fear of commitment may be at fault.

When a person has commitment issues, they will have a more difficult time getting into a serious, long-term relationship.
The thought of giving up their single life represents a relationship moving too quickly for comfort: your guy may not want that.
Don’t be mistaken though, just because a person has a fear of commitment doesn’t mean they don’t like you.
6. Insecurity might be pushing him to date online.
Something is making him insecure enough to keep using dating apps—it could be that he thinks you’re way out of his league.
He wants to prove that he can attract people just like you can, and he’s doing that by online cheating; think of it as an ego boost for him.
He’s low-key trying to keep you on the edge or even make you jealous—I mean, God forbid he doesn’t add a bit of toxicity, right?
7. He’s still on dating sites because it’s his habit.
And habits are hard to break!
He’s a notorious online dater; he’s been doing it for a long time now, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to stop anytime soon.
8. He’s still on dating apps because he’s quite literally addicted.
Believe it or not, people can get addicted to online dating, and this might just be the deal here!
Dating apps present people with a lot of different options; they’re a great ego stroke and not to mention very convenient.
- The man you’re talking about is addicted to how dating platforms make him feel—desirable, entertained, and important.
9. He’s an attention seeker.
They like it when people hit on them and make them feel good about themselves…they just can’t get enough of it.
This is the kind of attention they don’t feel satisfied getting from only one person; quitting online dating means they have to quit that part of their lives.
He goes there to talk to multiple people and seeks their approval (which he gets), hence doesn’t want to quit online dating.
10. Dating apps offer options, and that’s exactly what he’s looking for.
He enjoys having different “options” he can choose from, and dating apps are known to offer them.
He feels the most comfortable having lots of people he can talk to and be romantically involved with at all times.
- He might even be on the lookout for someone who, in his opinion, is “better”.
11. He’s confused about where you two stand—you haven’t made things exclusive yet.
However, I believe that’s no reason to still be active on dating sites while having feelings for another person.
- You haven’t made things official yet, and he’s seeing that as an opportunity to still use dating sites!
He doesn’t know where you two stand, or even if you’re into him like that—he doesn’t want to assume either, so instead he uses dating sites as usual.
12. He doesn’t know that his presence on dating apps bothers you.
I know that you’re thinking, “Shouldn’t this be known, though?”, and I wholeheartedly agree.
Your guy may not know that what he’s doing is making you uncomfortable—as inconsiderate as it sounds, empathy isn’t everybody’s greatest trait.
I highly recommend communicating your boundaries with him.
13. He intends to remain friends with benefits.

He’s not looking for a deeper connection, even though he likes you, and because of that, he doesn’t see the point in deleting his dating profiles.
- He only sees you as a friend with benefits and not a romantic partner, hence why he thinks it’s okay to continue online dating.
This is a bit tricky! If he has made his intentions clear from the very start, then we can’t exactly blame him for staying true to his word.
14. He’s the type of person who gets bored easily.
He’s always seeking some excitement, and being tied down will make him feel as if he can’t get it!
To him, dating platforms are fun, fresh, and exciting; he enjoys meeting new people and forming relationships with them.
15. Dating sites are his source of entertainment.
Small as it may be, several people go on dating sites for no reason, even though they’re involved with someone.
They don’t go there to cheat or anything—they go there out of boredom, or most likely just to pass the time.
16. He forgot to delete his dating accounts.
This is most likely the case if his profiles are deserted; you notice that he hasn’t been active ever since you two got serious.
And the only logical explanation is that he either didn’t properly delete his profiles or that he completely forgot to.
5 clever ways to see if he’s still active on dating apps!

On the other hand, if you’re trying to find his dating profiles, I have a solution for that too!
You might be almost 100% certain that the guy you’re talking to is online dating, all that’s left is confirming it.
– If you want to find someone on Tinder, SwindlerBuster will help you.
To find a person’s Tinder account, write down their information on SwindlerBuster and get the results.
For this, you will need a first and last name, age, gender, and location where this person most likely logged in.
– You can also use other third-party services that search for people on more sites!
Pay-to-use services such as SocialCatfish, Spokeo, and others find people’s profiles based on limited information.
You can use his name, email address, phone number, or even vehicle—after all is done, you will receive the results.
– Ask your friend(s) to notify you if they come across your guy!
If your friends use different dating sites, ask them to keep an eye out for the guy you’re talking to.
– It’ll take a while, but try finding him by creating an account.
Not exactly the most ideal (or easiest) method, but once you’ve tried everything and failed, take matters into your own hands!
Create an account for the dating app you suspect he’s using and tweak the preferences based on his demographic info, personality, state, and interests!
Should you trust a guy who acts as if you’re dating but still actively updates his online dating profile?
That’s going to be a hard no for me.
Some people want the best of both worlds: messing around with people online and having the security and comfort of being in a stable relationship.
Having a deserted dating profile that hasn’t been active since the dawn of time is okay—he most likely forgot to delete his account.
But regularly updating his dating profile although he wants you to be his partner?
That doesn’t sit right with me.