How can you tell if your wife is cheating at work? 19 workplace affair signs!

Workplace affairs are common—I mean, two people who have a lot in common spending a big portion of their day together? 

That’s nice and all, but the problem emerges when they’re not single; several people who partake in office romances are cheating on a significant other.

If you suspect your wife is cheating at work, one of the most prominent signs is her habit of giving her co-worker an uncomfortable amount of attention.

Workplace affairs: How often do they happen?

According to ForbesAdvisor, people often start workplace romances—actually, over 60% of adults claim to have experienced it.

And the thing we were wondering about the most: around 40% of people have had an affair with a coworker!

This is, sadly, a larger number of people who not only disrespect their partners, but also conduct unprofessionalism.

If you’re sure that your spouse is part of this percentage, keep in mind that there’s only so much she and her co-worker can do to hide their affair!

19 sure signs your wife is cheating at work…

If your wife is cheating at her workplace, no matter the pace, she will behave in an atypical way—that behavior will help you discover infidelity, if there is any.

Here are signs your wife is cheating at work!

1. There’s one co-worker she refers to as her “work husband”.

The idea of a “work spouse” has always been weird to me.

I mean, I see how two single people going around calling each other their work spouse is cute, but a married person?

If your wife has been calling her co-worker her work husband, then, to some degree, there’s comfort and attraction.

2. She and him are way too close to each other!

They go out often together and seem to always be in each other’s presence.

They banter and flirt so often to the point you’re sure that they look more like a couple to people than the two of you.

Boundaries have completely disappeared—she’s way too close to him.

3. He calls and texts her all the time.

Speaking of blurry boundaries, it’s not appropriate for him to be texting and calling her this often outside of work hours!

Whenever you peep at her phone, you’re always greeted by her colleague’s notification popping up.

He’s always reaching out to her for a conversation, and by the looks of it, it’s not casual, friendly chat…it’s sexual

4. She hides her phone from you.

And if your wife is having an affair with her co-worker, she’ll start hiding her phone, leaving it on silent, and keeping it away from you.

The few times you had the opportunity to look at her phone, she was texting him, and ever since then, she’s been extra cautious.

5. She mentions this guy completely unprovoked.

When you and your wife are talking, her colleague always comes up one way or another

She talks about how impressive and funny he is, and how she enjoys work when he’s there!

In other words, you always find yourself annoyed whenever your wife is complimenting him—and quite frankly, I’m with you.

Even when she’s not giving him an ego boost, his name always comes up; it definitely sounds like they spend a lot of time together.

6. She might also completely avoid his topic.

Her trying her hardest to avoid talking about him is another sign!

She’s trying not to spark any suspicions on her part—distancing herself from her co-worker as much as possible in your mind.

If she’s cheating with him, your wife might be paranoid about accidentally exposing herself or noticeably looking like she has a thing for her co-worker.

7. Your wife stopped inviting you to her work’s social gatherings.

Her work often plans events, and you were always her +1, but lately, she has stopped inviting you to them.

This is clearly very concerning, and a workplace romance might be what’s causing it.

She doesn’t want you to meet this co-worker or hear the gossip—besides, letting you two start a conversation might lead to her getting caught.

8. She’s been going on “business trips” lately.

Your spouse has been going on a lot of business trips lately, but you suspect she might be lying!

Work trips are a cheater’s favorite excuse—it’s believable enough and it explains having that one coworker there.

She can stay with him as much as she wants and have you not suspect a thing—it is a business trip after all, and her colleague is part of the team.

9. Your spouse is working very late.

She claims her reason for coming home late is that she’s been working a lot, but you already confirmed that’s not true.

She’s most likely lying, using her work as an excuse; even if she’s seen alone with her co-worker, it won’t be suspicious.

She may be purposely volunteering to work until late to have the opportunity to spend more time with him.

10. She picks up extra shifts!

She picks up extra shifts

She jumps at the opportunity to pick up extra shifts so that they see each other more frequently; she might even try to align her schedule with his.

11. She suddenly enjoys going to work.

It’s a good thing when people like what they do as it instantly makes their mood better; if your wife has always liked her job, pay this no mind.

However, if she used to complain about work but has changed ever since a co-worker’s arrival, then she may have a thing for him.

12. She smells like that specific coworker’s perfume.

You met him and you remember his cologne—she comes home smelling exactly like it.

Out of all the people who work there, somehow his scent stuck to her, and this usually happens when two people spend a lot of time together.

Sure, it could mean that they simply work close to each other, in the same department, but be watchful.

13. They’re often in the break room together.

Not something you want to think about, but break rooms may be where unprofessional, inappropriate behavior makes its appearance.

I don’t see you finding this out unless you all work in the same place or an outsider told you, but if you somehow know this is true, don’t dismiss it.

14. She accidentally calls you by his name!

She accidentally calls you by his name

Nothing screams “I’m thinking of another person!” more than constantly calling your partner another person’s name.

If your wife always seems to have you confused with her co-worker, then they most likely talk a lot together.

This doesn’t mean that your wife is 100% cheating, however, it does sound like they’re quite close—it doesn’t hurt to be cautious in this case.

15. Whenever you visit her at work, all of the other co-workers act weird!

If it’s ever happened for you to drop by her work and for everybody to act extremely awkward around you, then they might have noticed her affair.

They keep occasionally glancing at you and gossiping with each other—you heard a couple of words here and there having to do with your wife and the mysterious co-worker.

16. Your wife has just started changing her appearance for work.

She’s only now started getting dolled up for work—this has been going on ever since that specific man came.

She’s taking longer to get ready:

  • She’s trying out different make-up looks;
  • She puts a lot of thought into her outfits;
  • She never leaves the house without styling her hair;
  • She experiments with new, alluring perfumes.

This new habit of hers could be coming from her workplace crush, whom she would want to look good for.

17. Her attitude towards you is cold.

She doesn’t treat you the way she did lately—by “lately” I mean ever since that co-worker came to the scene.

She’s put a stop to romance and intimacy in your marriage: she’s very cold and distant, almost distracted.

18. When you express your discomfort, your wife reacts very negatively.

She pays no attention to your discomfort regarding her relationship with the co-worker: she does nothing to stop it or even to reassure you.

She might even get really aggressive by yelling, trying to blame you for her behavior, or panicking when you confront her.

If she’s getting this overwhelmed by these very reasonable concerns, then she’s exhibiting classic cheater behavior.

19. She treats him better than you.

She definitely treats him better than you

It all boils down to how your wife is differentiating you from her co-worker—does she clearly treat him better than you?

If so, it’s clear that she has feelings for him, and an affair can be born from this (if it hasn’t already).

When we give it a thought, it’s very inappropriate for a married person to be acting like this with, essentially, a stranger.

Workplace affairs may be a slow or quick burn.

A workplace affair may start with two people unintentionally developing stronger feelings for each other: things get more intense as time goes by.

They spend a lot of time together; as connection grows more intimate, that’s when things stop being platonic!

A secret affair starts with time.

Aside from a slow-burn affair, two co-workers could escalate things due to mutual, instant attraction.

No further thought is given and they immediately start cheating.

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