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13 crucial signs a guy has a girlfriend even though he’s hitting on you.
If you’re into this guy but want to make sure he’s available and not a Casanova, I am here to help!
Men who are in relationships are inclined to behave in a more quirky way than single men do, so you can learn the truth based on several signs.
Today I will help you discredit a man’s lies about his relationship status and figure out if your crush has a girlfriend.
1. He friends you only on low-key social media platforms, like Snapchat.

Cheating men usually communicate with their side pieces on secretive social media platforms like Snapchat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, etc.
- Instant messaging applications are way more secretive (we can’t see people’s friend lists, and posting pictures is not possible).
Even if you ask for his social media handles like Facebook and Instagram, he says he doesn’t use them.
2. You have yet to meet his friends.
This is where things start slowly crumbling down…if you two are in a relationship yet he still hasn’t introduced you to his friends, then you might be the other woman.
If he’s a cheater, introducing you to his friends will lead to his *actual* partner finding out.
3. Ask yourself where is it that you two most often hang out. Your place or his?

If he never invites you over to his place, that’s a sign that he’s already in a relationship (he could even be living with his girlfriend).
If they don’t live together, however, there’s still the issue of his girlfriend paying a surprise visit or his family seeing you together.
4. He constantly turns down your offer for commitment.
Commitment is the biggest step for couples, and if one of the people desperately tries to avoid it, then something is wrong.
- Ask your boyfriend why he dreads making things official—if the relationship is relatively new, then I see where he’s coming from.
Otherwise, he could avoid telling his social circle about you because he’s already committed to somebody else.
5. Check his socials real quick—has he posted anything about you?
If he already has a girlfriend, then he can’t post pictures with you.
This is abnormal if he’s always talking about you being the love of his life and you two being an item—if he truly thought this, posting you would be a breeze.
6. He doesn’t pay much attention to you if others are present.

He doesn’t treat you like a “girlfriend”—he doesn’t call you “babe”, doesn’t refer to you as his partner, and doesn’t have a warm demeanor.
He treats you simply like a friend, even though behind closed doors he’s this cuddly bear (this is a bad sign).
7. Your number on his phone isn’t saved under your actual name.
One of the many ways cheaters hide their side pieces is by saving their phone numbers under an unsuspicious name.
In case you call him while he’s with his partner, she won’t suspect a thing—this is mainly why he doesn’t use your real name.
8. There have been instances in which you’ve found women’s stuff in his car or home.
He would never invite you to his place if he’s living with his girlfriend, but if he does, look around for women’s clothes, jewelry, make-up, etc.!
- His girlfriend might’ve forgotten something there or intentionally left something behind as a warning to you.
9. If he doesn’t take you out on dates in public, he might have a girlfriend.
You usually meet up in poorly lit, intimate places (e.g. your place, his place, restaurants, or anywhere after dark).
Another weird observation is that cheating men are usually available only early in the morning or late at night—the rest of the day is reserved for their partners.
10. He rarely replies to your texts and calls—he has a schedule.

Watch out for any patterns regarding his phone—does he only respond at specific times? After midnight, for example?
If he’s talking to you while having a girlfriend, he has a time frame in which he can respond to your calls and messages.
It could be late at night, or as I said, early in the morning; he most likely texts you when his girlfriend is asleep or busy.
11. He never spends the night.
It’s too risky for a non-single man to spend the night with his affair partner, so he’ll leave as soon as the deed is done.
Think to yourself if he does this; it means he only sees you as a romantic rendezvous.
12. His phone is unknown territory to you.
He never lets you use his phone, even though it’s been a while since his declaration of love—don’t you think this is a bit odd?
- Ask to see his phone and take notes of his reaction (if he makes a big deal out of it and flips out, he’s most likely in a secret relationship).
13. You can tell you’re not his priority, someone else is.

It’s not too difficult to figure out we’re not somebody’s priority; this is another sign that the man you’re talking to is lying about being single.
- He doesn’t reply to your messages on time, doesn’t spend his weekends with you, and doesn’t start deep, meaningful conversations.
He’s very indifferent despite admitting he has a thing for you; he’s not there when you need him the most and is so unapologetic about it.
– How to find out if he has a girlfriend?
Finding out if a man isn’t single can be a bit problematic—if he’s going out of his way to lie to you, asking him will be useless.
1. You can investigate his phone for clues.
I don’t recommend doing this if this man is simply someone you’re crushing on and not your boyfriend.
However, if the two of you are dating and you’re worried about him talking to another woman, this should work.
2. Study his behavior and speech in front of you vs. other people.
If he’s lying about not having a girlfriend, he:
- Will refuse to make your relationship official;
- Won’t let you spend the night at his place;
- Declines to let you and his friends/family meet, etc.!
However, he’s probably single if he’s flirty, isn’t particularly close to anyone else, doesn’t mind spending his free time with you, and doesn’t hide anything.
3. Investigate his and his friends’ social media profiles.
If he has a girlfriend he’s faithful to, he has most likely posted her on his account—if he’s lying, though, he probably hasn’t.
4. Ask around if he’s dating anyone.
This works well if you want to find out if a man is single or dating.
- Ask your friends if they know him—if you two work together or go to the same school, ask your colleagues/schoolmates to give you the deets.
It would be easier to ask him for yourself, but if that’s not how you roll, I’m sure other people will be of assistance.
– How to ask a guy if he has a girlfriend without sounding awkward?
I’m glad you’re choosing the path of communication! By far, it beats observing him from a distance or asking people about his private life!
– Be clear and create a comfortable atmosphere.
If you’re casually asking him out of curiosity, there shouldn’t be any reason for the two of you to be awkward!
E.g. “Oh, by the way, I’ve been wondering something! Do you have a girlfriend?”
– Seize the opportunity if he’s telling you a story!
While he’s telling you a story and uses “we”, you can ask him something like: “[Restaurant] is quite the romantic place! By “we” do you mean you and your girlfriend?”.
– If you two are lively with each other, you can teasingly sneak in the question:
“You have such a way with words! I bet your girlfriend hates that, haha.”
– Start a discussion in which he feels encouraged to open up about it.
For a more “natural” approach, you can start a relationship-related topic—this way, he’ll spill the beans by himself.
E.g. “I feel like relationships nowadays are so straining. In my past experience….”
I’m sure you’ll get your answer sooner or later! Good luck.