5 quick ways to tell if someone is active on Snapchat without their location!

To tell if someone is active on Snapchat without their location is possible.

You can define whether they are online or not by analyzing and checking their activities on Snapchat.

It doesn’t mean that you have to always check their location to tell if they’re online.

Without wasting your time, check 5 ways to tell if someone is active on Snapchat without their location:

1. To tell that someone is active on Snapchat, you should check their score.

To tell that someone is active on Snapchat, you should check their score.

To tell if someone is active on Snapchat without their location, you need to check their Snapchat score.

To check if their score changes, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on the avatar;
  • Go to their profile;
  • Below their avatar, you can see some information about them;
  • You can see their birthday, and mutual streaks, and then next to it, you can see the ghost emoji and some numbers.

Keep an eye on this number. If that changes, that means that they are sending and receiving snaps but are not interacting with you.

This means that they’re active but not talking to you.

2. To see if someone was active lately on Snapchat check if they post stories on their Snapchat.

To see if someone was active lately on Snapchat check if they post stories on their Snapchat.

To know the last time someone was active on Snapchat, you should check whether they’re posting stories on Snapchat.

Yet, you should be careful and you should know that sometimes this doesn’t work if their story is set as private.

  • To check if they have posted a story you can check their profile or their chat and you might see a blue circle on their profile (if they have posted a story and it’s not private).
  • Yet, if they set their stories private and hide them from you, try to find them on other social media.
  • Check if they are online on Instagram or Facebook and if they are sharing something.
  • Check if your friends have their social media and can help you to check whether they’re online or not.

3. To tell if someone is active on Snapchat, check if there is a green dot next to their avatar.

To tell if someone is active on Snapchat, check if there is a green dot next to their avatar.

The easiest way to tell that someone is active on Snapchat without their location is to check their Snapchat active status (the green dot).

If they have a green dot next to their avatar that means that they’re active.

But, in my experience, most of my entourage don’t like to leave their active status on.

Thus, if they have disabled that, you won’t be able to know whether they’re active or not according to the green dot because that will disappear.

4. To check your friends’ last activity on Snapchat send them a mysterious or blank message.

To check your friends’ last activity on Snapchat send them a mysterious or blank message.

To see your friends’ activity on Snapchat, you need to attract their attention.

Thus, if you write just a random message or send a snap they will ignore it because maybe they don’t want you to check if they’re active.

  • In this case, I suggest you use a blank symbol. You can download it from this page Compart.com.
  • Then after you copy it just go to the chat and paste this symbol and just click send.
  • Even if they half swipe on the chat to just take a glimpse of what is being written, they will be curious and might even open it.

Other than this, I suggest you send a chat like: “Guess What”, “Have you heard” or “ I want to tell you something very important.”

Texts like this never fail to make someone curious so if they open it then you’ll see that they’re active on Snap.

5. Create a new account and add them again on Snapchat.

To tell if someone is active on Snapchat, you need to play a trick on them.

You cannot check if they’re talking to someone else on Snapchat unless you become THE OTHER PERSON.

  • If they are ignoring you or your texts on Snap then you might create a new account at that moment and add them.
  • If they are ignoring you but at the same time accept this account that you have created then it means that they’re active.

I need to warn you that this method doesn’t always work for everyone. 

If they are the type that doesn’t accept people they don’t know on Snap, they will ignore this account too.

Just make sure that you don’t add the same avatar or details on your profile that they might suspect that it’s you.

How to tell if someone is active on Snapchat with their location?

How to tell if someone is active on Snapchat with their location

To tell if someone is active on Snapchat with their location, you need first to go to their profile.

~ Then scroll all the way down when you see the Snap Map.

~ If they have already shared their location with you and have enabled their location on their phone, you can see their location changing.

~ In this map, you will be able to see when someone was last active on Snapchat and where they are.

Yet, if they are in ghost mode then you cannot request them to share their location with you also you cannot see them on this map.

Sometimes, Snapchat might glitch and the bitmoji might disappear or you won’t notice any change on them.

Yet, to fix this bug, you can clear the cache on your phone and delete and redownload Snapchat.

If they were recently active on Snapchat, you will notice on the map that their bitmoji is either eating, driving, listening to music, or flying on a plane. This depends on the activities that they do.

How do you know if someone checked your location on Snapchat?

Well, there is no particular way that Snapchat offers to know that someone checked your location on Snapchat.

Still, you can know if they checked your location based on your interaction with them or the time they were last active on Snapchat.

If you doubt that someone has checked your location on Snapchat, I will advise you to do two things:

– Have a simple conversation with them and ask them questions.

Just like outsmarting a catfish, you can outsmart someone that you think that they have checked your location on Snapchat.

Depending on your bond, you might ask them different questions such as:

  • “Wanna play truth or dare? Send them a pick of a place that you’ve been recently and if they would know it or not.”
  • “Guess where I am right now, no cheating or peeking okay?”

You may ask anything that you think might give them the clue that you know that somehow they might have been checking your location on Snapchat.

– Post a story and check whether they see it or send them a snap and ask them if they know this location.

You can post a story and check if they immediately see it or you can send a snap from that place and ask them

“Do you know where this is? Because I need help.”

If you’re not close to them then it might be weird if you send the snap so I would recommend you just post a story and check if they interact.

The conclusion: How to tell that someone is active on Snapchat?

You can tell that someone is active on Snapchat while checking their Live Location, the number of their score, and their other activities.

If they are already using the Ghost Mode or have disabled their active status then you can check if they’re posting stories.

Sometimes they might be active and post stories but make it private.

Thus, you can also try to write to them something mysterious and check if they will open the snap.

Because Snap offers the possibility of sliding a bit on the right side of the chat and catching a glimpse of it without opening it in total.

All I can say is don’t beat yourself up and become obsessed with whether someone is active on Snapchat or not.

Enjoy conversations and let yourself be!

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